Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Outdated event _CNY Hols

Lamanya tak update.

Since the CNY hols was quite a busy one... Everyone turned up except for Joe, his sons Effy & Siddiq & Wawa (who cannot make it last minute). The rest of the family from Terengganu side.. were all here, gathered in Kuantan.

We counted the cars parked outside - there were 11 altogether. OK - take out the 3 existing ones at home, so there're actually 2 NPV & 6 cars.

The crowd started on Saturday, when Kak & Ku Lin arrived in 2 cars. Sunday- Ku Nor & family, then the great day Monday- FIL,MIL, Ku Jalil, Ku Alim,Ku Iskandar with their falilies all arrived at home by noon. We had lunch - sayur lemak putih, ayam masak merah, ikan masin. It was simple but nice.

In the evening - we're busy preparing our grand re-union event (dah lama tak berkumpul semua, even raya baru ni pun, tak cukup korum).

We had barbeque.Macam macam ada.... Rugi Wa tak balik, tapi dia ada test, nak study.. nak wat camne...

Ku Alim jadi orang kuat menghidupkan bara api.

Ku Iskandar & Ku Noraini orang kuat merinate daging

Ku Lin, orang kuat merinate ayam/sotong/(dia kerah anak2 saudara - cucuk sausage kat lidi siap dengan selang selikan onion lagi)

Masing2 bertungkus lumus dengan dish masing2...

I, as tuan rumah rasa senang hati pulak... sebab dah ramai tukang masak yang masuk shift duty.

As early as the Maghrib begins, some of the chicken were ready to be served. Konon2nya nak bakar half cooked dulu, so that it wont take long later, tapi... lain pulak jadinya... The barbeque terus mula.... Ada pulak yang rajin, terus sambung dengan lamb, sotong,sausage.

Ikan takde sebab ikan tak fresh masa gi cari. So we drop the fish.

Ku Nor & Jai bawa mee Johor, they came back from Segamat for CNY celebration, just in time before the barbeque starts.

Bestnye..... Ramai/almost everyone's there. I can see my FIL is happy as the family gathered. I better learn fast to download the pictures.

Tempat tidor - semua area...In fact ada yang tdo dalam camping tent. Jai brought 2 of them. One for the boys & another for the girls to enjoy.

Hope they all had a good & memorable time in Kuantan. Looking foward for another gathering to be planned later.


  1. nak upload images: click kat add picture kat compose. then tekan browse.. pilih file yang mama nak, but remember to resize it first. Otherwise, lambat upload or xleh upload.. slamat mencube~

  2. Masalahnya gambar2 masih dalam hpone.
    Nak kena ada card reader dulu kan?
